Node Day Toronto
Event Organizer & Emcee

GitHub Constellation Seattle
Talk: Scaling Documentation and Team Practices

Full Stack London
Talk: Milliseconds to Millions - Benchmarking & Optimization for Fun and Profit!!

Hack the North
Talk: Fast Secure Usable APIs in Node.js

Fireside Conference
Panel: Looking at and beyond your profile pic, a Diversity Panel Moderated By: Michael Waxman, with Danielle Graham, Takara Small, Ahmad Nassri, Karen Schulman

Toronto Node.js Meetup
Talk: Build, publish and maintain modern OSS Node.js Packages

We Are Wearables
Panel: The original Canadian Google Glass Explorers reunite to talk on the future of smart glasses

Big Data Toronto
Talk: Beyond Agile - The Open Development Methodology

U.S. - Canada S.A.G.E. Summit
A Panel on Technology and Shared Economy Ecosystem between Canada and the U.S.

Canadian Tech @ Scale
Talk: Beyond Agile - The Open Development Methodology