My Syrian Passport
This is my Syrian passport. To me, it represents the most significant milestone in my life: Leaving home behind and immigrating to Canada; It represents opportunity and the future.

Scrum is dead: Exploring The New Open Development Method
Although Agile Methodologies may have made more sense when they were being developed in the early ’90s, much has changed over the years. As our workforce world evolves, our software development methods should evolve, too.

Using BrowserSync for Debugging your localhost
With the advent of CSS preprocessors, Live-reloading tools, the continuous evolution of JavaScript, and multi-screen development, better & smarter tools have also emerged to facilitate testing, debugging and compiling.

How Mashape Manages Over 15,000 APIs & Microservices
Mashape powers API-driven software. Hundreds of thousands of developers use our tools to manage, monitor, consume and provide APIs to their partners, apps, customers and employees. In fact, billions of API requests are processed through Mashape’s Marketplace every month.

Optimizing Google Analytics Tracking Code (Revisited)
Google’s snippet for Analytics is optimized for maximum compatibility, not for performance, and certainly not for clarity. Here’s how to make it faster.

Becoming a Technology Team Leader
Noah Brier, co-founder of Percolate, wrote an article for TechCrunch on Becoming An Engineering Manager, where he describes the job of being an engineering manager, he makes several good points that I agree with, I noticed that he was lacking in some parts of his message.

Neil deGrasse Tyson's 5 Simple Rules for startups and entrepreneurs
How did we, tiny creatures living on this tiny planet, ever manage to figure out how to send spacecraft outer among the stars of the milky way? It was the work of generation of searchers, who took 5 simple rules to heart.

The Story So Far: My Journey (Part 2)
July 19, 2005 was the day I set foot in Canada for the first time. My family and I, having just emigrated from Syria, had never been to Canada prior to this day. Those first few months went by so fast, we were in a daze!

The Story So Far: My Journey (Part 1)
As part of my application to the Founder Institute, I was posed the question: ‘Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?’ This is a retelling of some of my adventures growing up in Syria, up until arriving in Canada.

Measuring True Value
Time Is Money: How to Measure the Value of Hourly Work This is probably a monstrous academic topic with the mere thought of this subject leading to a Pavlovian drooling response in your average self-help and business coach author. When reading about how to measure one’s Return on Investment